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D1.1 Technology survey: Prospective and challenges - Revised version (2018)

8 Priority areas, challenges and research directions in FP7 and H2020 projects

8.1 FP7 projects

  • EFFINET FP7 project

Efficient Integrated Real-time Monitoring and Control of Drinking Water Networks

Home page:

Objective: the development of an integrated ICT based water resource management system aiming to improve the efficiency of drinking water use, energy consumption, water loss minimization, and water quality guarantees.

Topics: decision-support for real-time optimal control of water transport network, monitoring water balance, distribution network, management of consumer demand, remote control and data acquisition (SCADA and GIS systems), stochastic model predictive control algorithms, fault detection, diagnosis techniques, hydraulic and quality-parameter evolution models, smart metering techniques, forecasting of consumption patterns.

  • ICeWater FP7 project

ICT Solutions for efficient Water Resources Management

Home page:

Objective: increase the stability of freshwater supply to citizens in ur­ban areas by adjusting the water supply to the actual consumption, while minimizing energy consumption.

Topics: wireless sensors, decision support systems, demand management, consumers’ awareness, dynamic pricing policies (mathematical approaches), customers’ behaviour, asset management, leakage detection and localization, consumption patterns, advanced optimization, simulation, predicting network deterioration, Internet of things, underground sensors and radio propagation.

  • iWIDGET – FP7 project

Smart meters, Smart water, Smart societies

Home page:

Objective: improving water efficiencies through the developing, demonstrating and evaluating a fully integrated ICT-based system, which enables householders and water suppliers to understand and manage their demand and minimize wastage in the supply chain.

Topics: data mining, analytics, decision support, scenario modelling, data management, standards interfaces, visualization, water conservation modelling and social simulation, case studies, adaptive pricing, decision support systems, data management, advanced metering including combined water and energy metering, real-time communication, climate and energy.

  • WatERP – FP7 project

Where water supply meets demand

Home page:

Objective: develop a web-based “Open Management Platform” (OMP) supported by real-time knowledge on water supply and demand, enabling the entire water distribution system to be viewed in an integrated and customized way.

Topics: water consumption patterns, water losses, distribution efficiency, water supply and demand forecasts, web-based unified framework, data acquisition systems, Water Data Warehouse, open standards (WaterML 2.0), ontology, interoperability, usability, Decision Support System, water supply distribution chain, cost savings, Demand Management System, socio-economical drivers and policies, demand management, test and validation scenarios.

  • UrbanWater – FP7 project

Challenges and benefits of an open ICT architecture for urban water management

Home page:

Objective: build a platform to enable a better end-to-end water management in urban areas.

Topics: advanced metering, real-time communication of consumption data, water demand forecasting, consumption patterns, authorities decision support, adaptive pricing and user empowerment, spatial tools, decision making, integrated UrbanWater platform.

  • DAIAD – FP7 project

Open Water Monitoring

Home page:

Objective: improving the management of water resources through real-time knowledge of water consumption, improve societal awareness, induce sustainable changes in consumer behaviour, and explore new water demand management strategies.

Topics: multi-point water consumption monitoring, consumer-oriented and intuitive knowledge delivery, Big data management and analysis for large scale, resource/ demand management strategies, data intensive problem, high quality data.

  • ISS-EWATUS – FP7 project

Integrated Support System for Efficient Water Usage and Resources Management

Home page:

Objective: development of an intelligent Integrated Support System for Efficient WATer USage and resources management.

Topics: data interpretation and presentation to consumers, mobile devices, Decision Support System, social-media platform, water-saving behaviour, users’ awareness, reducing leaks in water delivery, adaptive pricing policy, system validation, flexible exploitation in any EU location, training manuals.

  • SmartH2O – FP7 project

Smart metering, water pricing and social media to stimulate residential water efficiency

Home page:

Objective: develop an ICT platform to understand and model the consumers’ current behaviour, based on historical and real-time water usage data.

Topics: social awareness incentives, models of user behaviour, quantitative data, dynamic pricing policies, agent-based simulation model, modular and scalable ICT platform, water demand management policies, resource efficiency, use cases, millions of users.

  • Waternomics – FP7 project

Interactive water services

Home page:

Objective: provide personalized and actionable information about water consumption and water availability to individual households, companies and cities, in an intuitive and effective manner, at a time-scale relevant for decision-making.

Topics: personalized interaction with water information services, knowledge transfer, sharing of water information, generic water information services, geological, environmental and social environments, open (collaborative) business models, flexible pricing mechanisms, sensors, water meters, leakage detection, fault detection, water awareness games, software platform.

  • WISDOM – FP7 project

Water analytics and intelligent sensing for demand optimized management

Home page:

Objective: developing and testing an intelligent ICT system that enables "just in time" actuation and monitoring of the water value chain from water abstraction to discharge, in order to optimize the management of water resources.

Topics: ICT framework, real-time and predictive water management, Water Decision Support Environment, user awareness, behaviours concerning the use of water, peak-period, resource efficiency, business operations of water utilities, environmental performance of buildings, semantic approach, holistic water management, computer aided decision making, data sharing, integrated water infrastructure, interfacing with other smart infrastructures.